
Sunday, May 26, 2013

Memorial Day

A lot of people forget what Memorial Day is about. They think it's a reason to have a 3 day weekend, barbecue, and be quasi-patriotic. They don't remember the reasons why we have this day and the people that sacrificed for this day of remembrance.

I used to be the same way before I joined the Navy. I had a borderline appreciation for the day since my family has a rich military history. I knew this day was about memorializing those who had sacrificed for our freedoms, but it never impacted me like it should have. Now, after 5 years of serving our country, I truly understood what it meant.

Memorial Day is about remembering the sacrifices that men and women made so that we could enjoy our freedoms as Americans. They gave their lives and freedoms so we could appreciate and revel in ours. Some were maimed and crippled, imprisoned and tortured, or gave the ultimate sacrifice so that we could live free, and so the Stars and Stripes could continue to fly high and strong. For 200+ years, Americans have bled so that the USA could endure. Remembering them is why this day exists.

On Memorial Day, I thank each and every soul that gave so that I could be proud and free American. I thank them for giving me the opportunity to live in the Land of the Free, and Home of the Brave. I love and appreciate every single one of them, and am glad I can serve my country as well. I am proud to be an American and a member of the United States Navy.

So to all military members past, present, and future, I say thank you. I am proud to stand beside you and say I served my country with honor and pride. I wear my uniform and call myself an American proudly because of the honor you brought it through your sacrifices. We are not a perfect country, but you gave your lives for us, and I am proud to carry on the tradition. You are true American heroes, and I salute you.

To Walter Lee Townsend, J.P. Fitzmorris, and Sean Sullivan, who gave their lives in the line of duty, I salute. You men are my heroes. I am saddened by the fact that I can never see your faces again, and that I never got to meet my great uncle Walter. You passed on defending my freedoms, and I can never say thank you enough.

To my father Russell, My grandpa George, my great uncle Virgil, my Blackhawk brothers and sisters, and all of the others who have served beside me in the past 5 years, I thank all of you for your service and willingness to sacrifice for your country. All of you are heroes.

To every other service member past and present, thank you.

So on this Memorial Day, remember the fallen and those who have and still serve this great country. While enjoying your day off, barbecues, or other plans, raise your glasses in remembrance of those who passed so that you may have this day. Toast to them, to those who served before, and those still serving. These are true American heroes, and they deserve your respect.

Happy Memorial Day.

I will never forget.

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