
Sunday, May 26, 2013

Memorial Day

A lot of people forget what Memorial Day is about. They think it's a reason to have a 3 day weekend, barbecue, and be quasi-patriotic. They don't remember the reasons why we have this day and the people that sacrificed for this day of remembrance.

I used to be the same way before I joined the Navy. I had a borderline appreciation for the day since my family has a rich military history. I knew this day was about memorializing those who had sacrificed for our freedoms, but it never impacted me like it should have. Now, after 5 years of serving our country, I truly understood what it meant.

Memorial Day is about remembering the sacrifices that men and women made so that we could enjoy our freedoms as Americans. They gave their lives and freedoms so we could appreciate and revel in ours. Some were maimed and crippled, imprisoned and tortured, or gave the ultimate sacrifice so that we could live free, and so the Stars and Stripes could continue to fly high and strong. For 200+ years, Americans have bled so that the USA could endure. Remembering them is why this day exists.

On Memorial Day, I thank each and every soul that gave so that I could be proud and free American. I thank them for giving me the opportunity to live in the Land of the Free, and Home of the Brave. I love and appreciate every single one of them, and am glad I can serve my country as well. I am proud to be an American and a member of the United States Navy.

So to all military members past, present, and future, I say thank you. I am proud to stand beside you and say I served my country with honor and pride. I wear my uniform and call myself an American proudly because of the honor you brought it through your sacrifices. We are not a perfect country, but you gave your lives for us, and I am proud to carry on the tradition. You are true American heroes, and I salute you.

To Walter Lee Townsend, J.P. Fitzmorris, and Sean Sullivan, who gave their lives in the line of duty, I salute. You men are my heroes. I am saddened by the fact that I can never see your faces again, and that I never got to meet my great uncle Walter. You passed on defending my freedoms, and I can never say thank you enough.

To my father Russell, My grandpa George, my great uncle Virgil, my Blackhawk brothers and sisters, and all of the others who have served beside me in the past 5 years, I thank all of you for your service and willingness to sacrifice for your country. All of you are heroes.

To every other service member past and present, thank you.

So on this Memorial Day, remember the fallen and those who have and still serve this great country. While enjoying your day off, barbecues, or other plans, raise your glasses in remembrance of those who passed so that you may have this day. Toast to them, to those who served before, and those still serving. These are true American heroes, and they deserve your respect.

Happy Memorial Day.

I will never forget.

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Darwinism Needs To Come Back In Style

Does anybody else agree with me that we need to stop giving things out to lazy people, and stop spending money and time on people who choose to live off our tax money instead of being a productive member of society? What happened to people having pride in supporting themselves and their families by earning their way? It drives me nuts to see how many people rely solely on government handouts without doing anything to earn it.

Yes, as a member of the military, I rely on the government to pay me. However, I earn my check from The Man. Thousands, and maybe millions (I didn't research the numbers, so just go with it) of people EARN a paycheck from the government for the services they provide, whether it be through the military, civil services, or contracting for the local or federal government. I would say something here about politicians earning their pay check, but we all know that's a lie.

So that being said, what right do people have to do nothing and expect the government to pay their way? It's like they are justified in being lazy pieces of shit. I could never do it. I guess some people have no problem being scumbags and living off the money OTHER people earn and wasting it on things they don't need or deserve. How is it fair to those who get up every day, go to work, put in overtime, and actually earn their money, just to see it get taxed, and that money go to people who are too lazy to be a useful human being? On top of that, they are seeing their Social Security get funneled into these "support the less fortunate" funds along with other government "money wasting" programs.

I would really love to see this country pay the people who bust their ass everyday to be productive. Policemen, firemen, EMTs, social workers, military personnel, and so on. And no, this isn't about self interest and wanting to get paid more. This is about paying the people who earn it. Another group that I think a lot of money should go to is teachers. These are the people who are educating the future of our country, and they get paid peanuts to put up with all the delights of children and teenagers. You think schools and education would be a lot better if we actually invested good money into it? I do. I'd love to see them get paid what they dearly deserve.

Shamefully enough, we waste money paying lazy fucks and illegal immigrants. Yes, I have a problem with illegals. This is the Land of Opportunity, so why don't you become a citizen, and seize your opportunity the right way? Oh right, because you won't get government handouts if you do. Don't worry, they took money away from the military tuition assistance program to send illegal immigrants to college. You're welcome. I have no problem with people who come to this country and who want to do things the right way. I have a problem with people who live off our government and give nothing back.

I say we stop giving these people our money, and invest it where it will truly make a difference. Lets make our schools and public places better. Lets put some into the national deficit. Lets pay the civil and federal employees what they deserve. Lets put the money where it won't be wasted, and it will be appreciated.

Now, I know some people have bleeding heart syndrome. It's an inherent flaw in some people, but let's face facts: people are lazy because they can get away with it. Here's some examples of bleeding heart arguments.

"If we take away the money, how will they live?"

Easy, they can get a job. You know, that thing we do to support our families and give back to society? If they can't get a job and be useful, then they die. Simple. Darwinism at it's finest. Those who are willing to put forth the effort survive, those who aren't don't.

"But there aren't any jobs! That's why they need government assistance!"

So create more jobs. Stop exporting all of our business and create jobs for people here in our country. Stop giving people in other countries the chances we won't even give our own people. If we want to build our society better, stop doing things that breed the discontent. Stop creating a lifestyle that allows people to be worthless fucks, and give them the ability and chance to be worthwhile.

I know some of you think this is just me being an asshole, and being biased towards the less fortunate, but it's not that at all. Everyone has the ability to make something better of their current state. In this country, you can achieve anything you want when you put your mind and heart to it. Yeah, not everyone can be astronauts, but you can do something worthwhile and earn an honest living. I've seen plenty of people come out of bad situations and be very successful. It's about having the will to do it. If you give people a reason to want to be successful or productive, they will be. If you give people justification to be lazy and get away with it, then people will take advantage of it. Instead of justifying it, let's give them a reason to not be lazy.

Empower the people to succeed. Don't cripple them by giving them justification to fail. All you are doing is making it OK to be a scum bag. I would rather see my money go to a teacher, rather than a lazy ass living off a government handout.

Friday, May 17, 2013

Oh The Humanity!

Disclaimer: I'm going to piss some people off with this post. You've been warned.

All day, every day, people complain about their rights being infringed upon. Whether it's women's rights, gay rights, racial rights, etc., someone always has a beef. I have a nice clean solution to this: Human Rights.

Regardless of sex, race, preference, or whatever group you happen to belong to, we as humans should have the same rights. I'm a firm believer in the fact that everyone should earn their way and shouldn't rely on some loophole or handout to make it through life. I don't think the government or anyone else should help or hurt anyone based on their genetic makeup or lifestyle choices. If you want to do something, and it's within a fair and just set of laws, you should be able to.

Now, I know that this is based in a mythical world where prejudice, sexism, and general blind hate don't exist. I'm not saying that this will ever work in our goofy society, but it is food for thought. Hear me out.

I think affirmative action and equal opportunity are complete bullshit, and are flawed at their base levels. They are both based in very good ideals, but the crimes committed under the guise of either of these systems are horrendous. The fact is, that neither of these systems should exist, because it should be common practice by now. However, some people are handcuffed unfairly by these programs because they don't fit under their umbrella. I don't think that's fair to the people left out, and to the people who are "protected" by these programs. If you made it level footing for everyone, I think that the people of the world would be a lot less focused on having their rights stepped on, and more focused on creating an equal society.

Here's how my idea works. Everyone is equal. Regardless of race, gender, or whatever, you get the exact same rights. That means that there is no limits on who you marry, what job you can do, or anything at all. A woman wants to marry another woman, serve in the special operations branch of the military, and wants to do anything else in life that is usually not permitted to a woman? Let her. Let everyone do all of the things that they have not been allowed to do because of their color, sex, or who they choose to sleep with. I think that it will cause things to become a lot less tense, and really give way to a better society. We always have someone stepping on someone else's toes because of their rights, but if everyone had the same rights, no one would have anything to complain about. I feel for each group's struggles. I know I am a straight white male, and don't fit into any of them, but I think it's terrible that everyone isn't afforded the same opportunities.

Here's what I think about each group.

On the subject of gay rights, I have this to say: I appreciate and understand your struggle. I think it is unfair to have benefits and rights denied to you based on the fact that our government is holding on to a religiously based viewpoint of marriage, which is unconstitutional. Marriage should not be seen as the union between a man and a woman, but as a union between two humans. Therefore, you should be afforded the same rights and benefits as when a man and a woman are wed. I am friends with several gay people, and I want them to be able to have benefits for their families and loved ones, just like I would. They deserve it. I don't think gay people should be denied anything based on whom they choose to love. It's not our right to judge anyone based on that, and I refuse to get in to the Bible argument over this. They are people, and deserve the same rights.

Women: You should be able to do whatever job or career you want. You should have every opportunity afforded to men. I do not view women as the weaker sex. I never have. I was raised to see everyone equally. Therefore, the fact that women are not allowed to do certain things, is asinine to me. I know a lot of women who are incredibly strong, and could outwork any man. They should never be treated as substandard to men. I think it's sad that women have always had to fight and claw to be seen as even with men. Just remember boys, without a woman, you wouldn't be here, and you probably almost killed her coming out. However, she made it through, and raised you, and that takes a lot of strength. How dare anyone say that they aren't strong enough to do the toughest of jobs? Sure, not every woman could do that, but neither could every man. Someone should never be discriminated on because they don't have a penis.

Race: The color of your skin or how you look doesn't matter. In this day and age, people of all colors and ethnicities are working together at every level of society. The fact that racism is still an issue isn't because of the racists. Sure, a lot of people still harbor ill will towards certain groups. It's because they don't know any better. But when you look at the scope of things, racism is perpetuated by the racial groups to keep alive the thought that they are being repressed. If anyone is being repressed, it's done by themselves. I think that in 2013, with as progressive as our society has become, racism is functionally obsolete. I have several friends who have become very successful in their lives and made something of themselves, and they are black. They didn't make excuses or try and hide behind their race. They just went for their goals, and got them. I am so tired of hearing that people are being racially profiled. I'm so tired of people being hateful to each other based on centuries of past bigotry. Let it go. Be defined by what you do, and not the color of your skin. A lazy ass, ignorant, delinquent hooligan is exactly that. They aren't white, black, red, yellow, or purple. They are defined, in my eyes, by their actions. If the world viewed people by that and not the color of their skin, racism would be dead and gone, as it should have been years ago. Oh and if people would stop using it as a fucking excuse.

So, back to my point. If the world was based on human rights, instead of the idea that the straight white man has all the rights, and everyone else is playing catch up, then it would be a much better place. I don't care if you're a man or a woman, gay or straight, black or white. If you earn your way in this world, and want to be treated fairly, I support you, and say everyone should be treated that way.

Human rights: the practical solution that will never work. Why? Because too much self interest is involved in keeping those dividing lines intact. If everyone was equal, then nobody would be better, and no one would have anything to fight about, and our fucked up society can't have that nonsense. It's a sad sad truth. Maybe if we did what Bill said in Bill & Ted's Excellent adventure, then the world would be a much better place.

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Keeping Calm and Chiving On!

A year ago, or something like that, I stumbled on to a site called the Chive. I'd seen the shirts saying "Keep Calm and Chive On" all over the place, along with a lot of variations. I figured it was just a passing fad.

Finally, a buddy of mine showed me the site, and I was hooked. Besides the awesome content and funny things they post, they also have built an entire culture around their brand. Funny thing is, it's not the usual weird culture you see when associated with these kinds of things.

One of the big things, besides promoting networking and having fun, is the Pay It Forward concept. I'm not giving them credit for coming up with it, but the whole Chive society embraces it. You see someone out wearing a KCCO shirt at a bar or restaurant, you buy them a beer. They will pass the good deed along to another, and so on. Leaving awesome tips for waiters or waitresses and telling them to KCCO. You just made that person's day/night AMAZING. The Chive culture is a whole lot of people generally being awesome to other humans. They refer to all of these things as Random Acts of Kindness, or RAK. It's awesome what this group of people are doing to make the world better.

Another thing these guys do is a thing called Chive Charities. It's a non-profit group that donates money to people who really need it. Individuals who are in serious need of monetary help due to medical bills, and who have incredible stories of their struggles. Truly heart wrenching stories of lives filled with pain and suffering. The Chive family will pitch in and raise money for them, and give them the help they sorely need. I'm proud to be a monthly donator to this cause. They do the amazing things that I wish so many other people would do. I cant tell you how good it makes me feel to be a part of such a truly selfless group of people.

So, I encourage you to check out their site. Enjoy the fun and silliness they post, but also enjoy all the good they do too. It really is a pretty awesome group to be associated with. So if you see someone in a Chive shirt, buy them a beer. If your waiter/waitress is having a shitty day, but is working their ass off, give them a big tip and tell them to KCCO. You really can make a difference with the good things you do in life. Being a Chiver/Chivette is really about that. I love being a Chiver. I hope you'll become one too.

And remember kids...


Chive Charities