
Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Darwinism Needs To Come Back In Style

Does anybody else agree with me that we need to stop giving things out to lazy people, and stop spending money and time on people who choose to live off our tax money instead of being a productive member of society? What happened to people having pride in supporting themselves and their families by earning their way? It drives me nuts to see how many people rely solely on government handouts without doing anything to earn it.

Yes, as a member of the military, I rely on the government to pay me. However, I earn my check from The Man. Thousands, and maybe millions (I didn't research the numbers, so just go with it) of people EARN a paycheck from the government for the services they provide, whether it be through the military, civil services, or contracting for the local or federal government. I would say something here about politicians earning their pay check, but we all know that's a lie.

So that being said, what right do people have to do nothing and expect the government to pay their way? It's like they are justified in being lazy pieces of shit. I could never do it. I guess some people have no problem being scumbags and living off the money OTHER people earn and wasting it on things they don't need or deserve. How is it fair to those who get up every day, go to work, put in overtime, and actually earn their money, just to see it get taxed, and that money go to people who are too lazy to be a useful human being? On top of that, they are seeing their Social Security get funneled into these "support the less fortunate" funds along with other government "money wasting" programs.

I would really love to see this country pay the people who bust their ass everyday to be productive. Policemen, firemen, EMTs, social workers, military personnel, and so on. And no, this isn't about self interest and wanting to get paid more. This is about paying the people who earn it. Another group that I think a lot of money should go to is teachers. These are the people who are educating the future of our country, and they get paid peanuts to put up with all the delights of children and teenagers. You think schools and education would be a lot better if we actually invested good money into it? I do. I'd love to see them get paid what they dearly deserve.

Shamefully enough, we waste money paying lazy fucks and illegal immigrants. Yes, I have a problem with illegals. This is the Land of Opportunity, so why don't you become a citizen, and seize your opportunity the right way? Oh right, because you won't get government handouts if you do. Don't worry, they took money away from the military tuition assistance program to send illegal immigrants to college. You're welcome. I have no problem with people who come to this country and who want to do things the right way. I have a problem with people who live off our government and give nothing back.

I say we stop giving these people our money, and invest it where it will truly make a difference. Lets make our schools and public places better. Lets put some into the national deficit. Lets pay the civil and federal employees what they deserve. Lets put the money where it won't be wasted, and it will be appreciated.

Now, I know some people have bleeding heart syndrome. It's an inherent flaw in some people, but let's face facts: people are lazy because they can get away with it. Here's some examples of bleeding heart arguments.

"If we take away the money, how will they live?"

Easy, they can get a job. You know, that thing we do to support our families and give back to society? If they can't get a job and be useful, then they die. Simple. Darwinism at it's finest. Those who are willing to put forth the effort survive, those who aren't don't.

"But there aren't any jobs! That's why they need government assistance!"

So create more jobs. Stop exporting all of our business and create jobs for people here in our country. Stop giving people in other countries the chances we won't even give our own people. If we want to build our society better, stop doing things that breed the discontent. Stop creating a lifestyle that allows people to be worthless fucks, and give them the ability and chance to be worthwhile.

I know some of you think this is just me being an asshole, and being biased towards the less fortunate, but it's not that at all. Everyone has the ability to make something better of their current state. In this country, you can achieve anything you want when you put your mind and heart to it. Yeah, not everyone can be astronauts, but you can do something worthwhile and earn an honest living. I've seen plenty of people come out of bad situations and be very successful. It's about having the will to do it. If you give people a reason to want to be successful or productive, they will be. If you give people justification to be lazy and get away with it, then people will take advantage of it. Instead of justifying it, let's give them a reason to not be lazy.

Empower the people to succeed. Don't cripple them by giving them justification to fail. All you are doing is making it OK to be a scum bag. I would rather see my money go to a teacher, rather than a lazy ass living off a government handout.

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